Monday, September 9, 2013

Day 4

It's been a great 4 days. I have been religious in following the plan, and working out before bed or in the AM. I don't make it the same time every day. That way the body has change. Just like the 2 shakes I drink a day. I change them up. The recipes online are great to follow. Sometimes I feel like I've cheated, but I definitely haven't. 

I've watched, believe it or not. But, you will not get a follow up pick until Friday! I've already lost 10 pounds. I've not only done the shakes, exercise, Sculpt & Firm and Firming Spray to reduce inches... But, I'm down one pant size! YES! I will get back into my size 4! Currently a 10-11, and I was a 12-13.... So, just in 4 Days, thank you Hubby! For telling me and joining me on this awesome plan. 

There's more! My hair is getting thick! My hair grows fast anyway. But today, after showering, I noticed that I am in a desperate need of thinning out my hair! Wow! Haven't had that since my last pregnancy 15yrs ago. 

It's all about you. My motivation is to get healthier and reduce the weight that is putting stress on my bones. Bones that are deteriorating. I want to make it 40yrs with my husband in marriage. What about you? Day 4! Your awesome!

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